No new cash for Queensland Koalas

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has neglected Queensland’s koalas after it was revealed during Estimates Hearings in Brisbane that there was no new money for habitats across the state. Shadow Environment Minister Dr Christian Rowan MP today asked Minister Miles why there was a funding drought for koala habitat purchases in the coming year, but the…

Federal Budget Delivers for Moggill

Moggill Electorate to benefit from boosted Commonwealth funding and GST payments in Federal Budget. Youth employment, small business, health and education major winners. Palaszczuk Labor must stop blaming the Federal Government for its own failings. The State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, has welcomed the Federal Government’s Budget plan for jobs and growth.…

Queensland Voters to tell the Government ‘My Voice Matters’

Campaign launched to prevent Palaszczuk Labor Government rigging the next state election. The Premier broke Queenslander’s trust, and now it’s time for us to have a say. Sign the petition and tell Premier Palaszczuk ‘My Voice Matters’ at: A campaign to prevent the Palaszczuk Government from rigging the next state election has been launched, after…

Health system deteriorating under do-nothing Labor

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, has advised that a damning report has exposed the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s failure to provide Queenslanders surgery on time, with waiting lists increasing and operating theatres across the state running inefficiently. The Auditor-General’s Queensland Hospital Operating Theatre Efficiency Report 2015-2016 showed the former LNP Government’s improvements…

LNP stands with “sparkies” to block Labor energy madness

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, has advised that the LNP Opposition has today thrown its full support behind small, family-owned electrical businesses facing ruin under the Palaszczuk Labor Government. “Shadow Small Business and Employment Minister Tim Nicholls and Shadow Energy Minister Andrew Powell stood beside ‘sparkies’ at Parliament House to launch…