Business confidence goes backwards under Labor

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, has advised that the Sensis Business Index shows business confidence has gone backwards under the frozen-at-the-wheel Palaszczuk Labor Government. “The national survey of small and medium sized businesses, including 171 Queensland-based businesses, showed one-third of small business operators believed the Palaszczuk Labor Government was working against…

Action finally taken on ambo attacks

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill and Deputy Chair of the Health, Communities, Disability Services, Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Committee, is pleased Health Minister Cameron Dick will finally take action to prevent attacks on paramedics and health workers, after calling for a public awareness campaign since December last year. Dr Rowan…

Labor’s policies will leave Moggill families paying more

Moggill families could be slugged on their power bills thanks to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s ill-conceived policies. State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, said the Labor Government had dismissed many recommendations from the Queensland Productivity Commission’s draft report electricity prices, including changing solar feed-in tariffs and ways of improving competition in regional Queensland.…