Budget Wishlist 2021

The Labor State Government must deliver the critical infrastructure and services that residents of the electorate of Moggill, and the western suburbs of Brisbane, deserve and need for a prosperous future. State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, is calling on the Palaszczuk State Labor Government to listen to the needs of local residents.…

Queensland Parliament Petitions

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, is currently sponsoring two petitions to the Queensland Parliament, on behalf of local residents, calling for action to address important community safety concerns on state-controlled roads.   The first petition, closing on April 18,  is calling for a review and increase into the frequency of vegetation…

Centenary Motorway Congestion a Priority: Infrastructure Australia

Infrastructure Australia has today released its updated ‘Infrastructure Priority List 2021’ detailing additional proposals to upgrade vital infrastructure in Queensland, and across Australia.   Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, said that the inclusion of the Centenary Motorway as a priority initiative for Government consideration once again highlighted the urgent need to…