The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise vegetation maintenance will be undertaken on TMR land behind Parkway Place and Sachs Court in Kenmore.
These works are required to facilitate a fire break between the TMR land and adjacent private properties. Work will include the removal of regrowth ground vegetation, weed tree species and approximately nine large trees.
- Works will commence in mid-March 2020 and are expected to be completed in late March 2020, weather and site conditions permitting.
- Works will be carried out in two stages and will start at the bottom of the hill where fire risk is greater.
- Standard work hours will be from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Works will be undertaken during the day for the safety of the work crew, however some out of hours works may be required.
Expected impacts:
- Nearby residents may experience short term impacts, including increased noise and dust due to equipment and activities onsite.
- A qualified arborist and fauna spotter will be on site throughout the works. TMR will distribute notifications to nearby residents and businesses before work begins. This notification will include information on the work and the contact details for the Project Team.