The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise some trees near 2463 Moggill Road, Pinjarra Hills will be removed.
These works are required as the vegetation on TMR land are weed species and are encroaching onto private property. The trees are restricted weed species and will be removed as part of TMR’s General Biosecurity Obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Work will include:
removal of five weed species affecting the nearby private property
removal of undergrowth and weed species within 10 metres of the property boundary.
Works are scheduled to commence in mid-January 2020 and are expected to take approximately one week to complete, site and weather conditions permitting.
Standard construction hours will be from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Expected impacts:
Nearby residents will experience some temporary noise from mulching, dust and odour while works are completed.
TMR will distribute notifications to nearby residents before work begins. This notification will include information on the work and the contact details for the Project Team.