Business confidence goes backwards under Labor

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, has advised that the Sensis Business Index shows business confidence has gone backwards under the frozen-at-the-wheel Palaszczuk Labor Government. “The national survey of small and medium sized businesses, including 171 Queensland-based businesses, showed one-third of small business operators believed the Palaszczuk Labor Government was working against…


Nominations for Queensland Father of the Year open

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, is encouraging local residents to honour and celebrate the importance of fathers and father-figures by nominating them for the annual Queensland Father of the Year competition. “This is an annual state-wide award that recognises the significant role fathers play in their children’s well-being and development and…


Action finally taken on ambo attacks

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill and Deputy Chair of the Health, Communities, Disability Services, Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Committee, is pleased Health Minister Cameron Dick will finally take action to prevent attacks on paramedics and health workers, after calling for a public awareness campaign since December last year. Dr Rowan…


Labor Must Release Review Report Before Council Elections

Today, Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to come clean with commuters and release their secret fare review report. Dr Rowan said the government’s delaying tactics were a transparent attempt to bury the report before next month’s council elections. “It is time Queenslanders were told what…


Premier Palaszczuk fails to stand up to her union bosses

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, today stated “It’s been six weeks since the final report of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption was handed down and the Palaszczuk Labor Government has failed to do anything to address its findings.” Dr Rowan said in a clear sign of the…


Labor must review gender and sexual diversity school program

The LNP Opposition has called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to urgently review a program currently being taught in Queensland schools, which purports to create a safe and inclusive environment for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families. The State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP said while the LNP…


Palaszczuk & Labor: Frozen at the Wheel

The State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, has predicted the Palaszczuk Labor Government will use the first week of State Parliament for 2016 to talk about “everything and anything but jobs and the economy”. Dr Rowan said employment and the economy must be front and centre for the State Government at a time…


Labor’s policies will leave Moggill families paying more

Moggill families could be slugged on their power bills thanks to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s ill-conceived policies. State Member for Moggill, Dr Christian Rowan MP, said the Labor Government had dismissed many recommendations from the Queensland Productivity Commission’s draft report electricity prices, including changing solar feed-in tariffs and ways of improving competition in regional Queensland.…


Nominate, Celebrate and Support Local Businesses

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, today called on the community of Moggill to celebrate the success of local businesses by nominating them for the 2016 Telstra Australian Business Awards. For 24 years the national Awards program has recognised the best of Australia’s small and medium businesses and helped entrepreneurs transform their…


Bedside Technology the Way of the Future in our Hospitals

Dr Christian Rowan MP, the State Member for Moggill, has said technology is critical in providing nurses more time with patients in order to achieve better clinical outcomes. “There is a lot of talk about increasing nurse numbers on wards, but to date the Palaszczuk Labor Government has failed to provide any evidence to substantiate…
