Do you want to become a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Declarations?

To become a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) (JP Qual) or Commissioner for Declarations (Cdec) you need to complete a training course to provide you with a range of knowledge, skills and generic and specific competencies to perform the duties appropriate to the level of appointment. You will also be given an opportunity to gain skills and knowledge based on the handbooks relevant to your chosen course.

As a JP or Cdec you will handle important documents which could have a significant impact on a person’s life—it is therefore important that you are properly trained in how to provide all services and handle all situations.

Who can become a JP or Cdec

You can be appointed  as a JP or Cdec if you:

  • are 18 or older
  • are an Australian citizen
  • live in Queensland and are correctly enrolled to vote here
  • have 2 referees
  • consent to a criminal history check by police
  • agree to follow the code of conduct for JPs and Cdecs
  • tell us if your occupational licence has been suspended, revoked or disqualified.

You must also have completed the relevant training course: Course in Providing Community Justice Services (Commissioner for Declarations) (Justice of the Peace [Qualified].

Who cannot be appointed

You are not eligible to apply or hold office if you:

  • are an insolvent under administration
  • have a disqualifying conviction (unless you apply for and are granted an exemption)
  • have had your appointment as a JP or Cdec revoked within the last 5 years.

These restrictions are from the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 (the Act).

How to apply

To complete this form you will need:

Once approved, new JPs or Cdecs need to pay a registration fee before they begin their duties.

More Information;

For more information, including eligibility criteria and to apply, please visit: