If you or someone you know is celebrating a special birthday or wedding anniversary, the Moggill Electorate Office can advise you on how to request a letter of congratulations.

A letter from Dr Christian Rowan MP, the Premier of Queensland, the Prime Minister of Australia, or the King, can be requested to recognise certain milestones.  A Letter of Congratulations Request form, including eligibility criteria can be downloaded from the Queensland Government Congratulatory Letters website and can be returned to our office by email or regular post. Please remember to allow enough notice time (generally 4 – 6 weeks).

Who is eligible for a congratulatory message?


  • Prime Minister – 90th, 100th and every year thereafter
  • Governor General – 100th and every year thereafter
  • The Queen – 100th and every fifth year thereafter
  • State Member
  • Governor of Queensland


  • Prime Minister – 50th and every year thereafter
  • Governor General – 50th and every year thereafter
  • The Queen – 60th and every 5th year thereafter
  • State Member – 50th and every year thereafter
  • Governor of Queensland – 50th and every year thereafter

You can arrange a congratulatory message through the office of Dr Christian Rowan MP by calling or visiting the electorate office 

If you are applying for a message on behalf of a relative or friend who lives in another electorate, their local state member will be notified so they can also send a message.

You will need to provide supporting documentation such as a birth certificates or marriage certificates.

If these are not available you can provide a statutory declaration.  These forms are available at any post office.

When should I arrange the message?

You can lodge a request for congratulatory messages up to two months before the celebration.
Where appropriate, your request to the Premier will be passed on to the Prime Minister, Governor-General and The Queen so you only have to make one application.

Where can congratulatory messages be sent?

Congratulatory messages can be mailed directly to the recipient’s home address or alternatively to C/- address (such as a friend or relative) for surprises.